Good eyesight contributes to a better quality of life. When you want to see and feel your best, you may want to consider Lasik Vision Correction or another refractive procedure customized to your specific condition. If you're looking for a Lasik eye surgeon in Ghatkopar, Mumbai, it's important to conduct thorough research to find a reputable and qualified professional.
A majority of focusing power of your eye comes from the transparent front part of the eye called ; the cornea. This makes it the main focus of laser vision correction.
Refractive surgery is using a laser beam to reshape your cornea to treat your eye-power thus removing your glass dependency.
We correct the following visual disorders:
Nearsightedness (myopia): Difficulty seeing objects at a distance, but can usually see up close
Farsightedness (hyperopia): Difficulty seeing clearly from up close
Astigmatism (blurry vision): Distorted vision, similar to looking into a wavy mirror
Presbyopia (age-related vision loss): Difficulty seeing up close due to age
The first step to knowing if you will benefit from treatment is a comprehensive evaluation. There's no charge for this initial comprehensive exam. During the appointment, a vision correction specialist evaluates your eye health history and vision and discusses your expectations for surgery. This determines whether you are a candidate for vision correction surgery.
Next, your eyes are thoroughly examined to determine your most appropriate treatment options. Using sophisticated imaging devices, your eye doctor measures your eyes precisely to ensure you experience the best possible vision after your procedure.
After your exam, we recommend the best solution to eliminate or decrease your need for glasses or contact lenses.<

When it comes to correcting your vision, Clear Sight offers significant benefits:
Based upon your unique needs , your doctor will recommend the laser eye correction procedure that is right for youdifferent platforms available are as follows:
- LASIK (Laser Assisted Insitu Keratomileusis) wherein a thin flap of your cornea is raised and laser ablation to correctpower is done on the corneal ; the flap is then placed back and eyes quickly heal on their own.
- SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) is relatively newer technique using only femtosecond laser to remove a small piece of corneal tissue called a lenticule through a small keyhole incision without creating a flap. It is bladeless, flapless and single step surgery.
- PRK ( Photorefractive Keratectomy) reshaped the eye with a laser by entirely removing the surface layer of cornea , so healing may take a little longer.
- Phakic surgery : An artificial lens is implanted just above the natural lens through a small corneal incision. It is like a permanent intraocular contact lens.
What Is Laser Vision Correction?
Laser vision correction is an outpatient procedure requiring local anesthesia and a mild sedative, that's taken orally. Most people experience improved vision immediately after surgery, with minimal downtime, and wake up with good vision the next morning. Vision continues improving over the next few weeks. During this time, our patients receive supportive follow-up care. To know more about Cost of Lasik Surgery in Mumbai.
Is Laser Vision Correction Right for You?
Before scheduling your evaluation, consider the following characteristics of a good candidate:
- 18+ years or older
- Tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses
- No prescription change in glasses or contacts ilast 1-2 years
- Have reasonable expectations for the procedure and understand the risks and benefits
- Not pregnant or nursing
- No corneal diseases or collagen vascular diseasesas rheumatoid arthritis
- No significant problems with wound healing
Zeiss – VisuMax and MEL-80
Alcon – WaveLight FS200 and WaveLight EX 500
Femtosecond Laser
This new generation laser reshapes the cornea with pulses of light lasting just one billionth of one millionth of a second, resulting in very smooth treatments. Using the equipment’s computer-generated 3-D mapping system, your physician customizes your procedure with extreme precision. This laser is used to make the flap in LASIK and to create the thin wafer-like lenticule in the Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE), a single-step laser procedure that is less invasive than LASIK.
Excimer Laser
By using ultra-short pulses of ultraviolet light beams, this laser sculpts the cornea to the proper shape to recover vision quickly with less discomfort. We use the excimer laser directly on the corneal surface to treat patients with thinner corneas or those vulnerable to injuries, such as athletes or first responders. The excimer laser is also used in LASIK to reshape the cornea under a superficial flap made by the femtosecond laser. Different computer guided treatment algorithims are used for so called “wavefront-guided,” “wavefront-optimized,” and ”topographic-guided” excimer laser treatments.
All our lasers use eye tracking technology to ensure meticulous positioning, even if your eye moves during your procedure.
Comprehensive Exam
A thorough eye examination, with dilated pupils, is the first step toward better vision.
A thorough eye examination, with dilated pupils, is the first step toward better vision.
Excimer Laser
By using ultra-short pulses of ultraviolet light beams, this laser sculpts the cornea to the proper shape to recover vision quickly with less discomfort. We use the excimer laser directly on the corneal surface to treat patients with thinner corneas or those vulnerable to injuries, such as athletes or first responders. The excimer laser is also used in LASIK to reshape the cornea under a superficial flap made by the femtosecond laser. Different computer guided treatment algorithims are used for so called “wavefront-guided,” “wavefront-optimized,” and ”topographic-guided” excimer laser treatments.
All our lasers use eye tracking technology to ensure meticulous positioning, even if your eye moves during your procedure.
Retina checkup
A through retina checkup is of utmost importance to rule out any retinal pathologies which might cause drop in vision post surgery.
Eye Pressure
Your doctor places a small amount of numbing drops and a special dye in your eye, then uses an instrument called a tonometer to measure the pressure inside your eye.
Corneal Topography and Tomography
This computer-assisted diagnostic tool produces a three-dimensional (3-D) map of the surface of your cornea.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
This non-invasive imaging procedure allows close examination of your cornea to evaluate the extent of your condition.
Expectations after refractive surgery-
Most of the patients achieve excellent vision after surgery. The new refined laser technology enables quick recovery, good quality of vision and less post-operative side effects. Majority of the patients are happy to carry out their normal routine activities without spectacles and contact lenses. Glasses may be required for near work if the patient develops presbyopia or cataract with age.
15 pain free minutes that will change your life": Implanting ICL is considered an outpatient procedure and takes about 15 minutes. This is a procedure of choice if your cornea is not suitable for Laser correction and you want spectacle freedom. ICL is an excellent option for many who have been told they are "not good candidates for LASIK." ICL can be great for patients who's corneas are thin, or prescriptions too strong, to be corrected by laser sculpting methods such as LASIK or PRK. ICL may be a preferred option for some patients who have "dry eye" (also called ocular surface disease), or who have concerns about LASIK.
A few hours after the implantable contact lenses treatment you will be able to leave the clinic and resume most of your activities.
Immediate vision improvement
Simplification of life - Unlike traditional contact lenses, there is no daily cleaning and no concerns with swimming, dust, or other elements that could cause a scratch or cause a contact lens to fall out. The ICL is gently placed inside the eye, behind the iris.
On rare occasion, unexpected things happen, even in the best of hands. When this happens, we have to work harder, and provide more extensive care, than if things had gone perfectly. We give you our commitment that we will do exactly that.


Firstly, a tiny incision will be made where the white of your eye meets with the coloured part

Second, a gel like substance wil be injected into your eye & ICL will be injected in front of your iris

Then ICL will be carefully placed behind the iris & the gel is removed
The ICL is a type of phakic lens implant (phakic in greek means lens), and has been nicknamed Internal Contact Lens, but the FDA prefers use of different terminology less easily confused with standard contact lenses.
For more information & consultation on Lasik eye surgeon in Ghatkopar, Mumbai, visit Clear Sight Eyecare & Laser Centre at Ghatkopar East or contact us on 80978 09788 or simply fill in your name and number & one of our team member will get in touch with you soon. Our team of experts along with Dr. Sonia Maheshwari Kothari, Ophthalmologist Eye Surgeon & one of the Best Eye Specialist in Mumbai, will help you out in understanding your problem and guide you through every stage of your treatment. For Clear Sight Eyecare & Laser Centre direction click here.